Home PCGS Set Registry Forum

Happy New Year!

PCGS is just a middle man anyway. Next year lets all get together and show each other our sets... Then we can really see which coins we like best image Next (this?) year I think I might join up with those winged head guys, they seem to know how to have fun...


  • Carl,

    I think us Modern Type guys remember how to have fun. We just used our plastic so much this year that the cards are unrecognizable and we are waiting for our banks to ship us new ones. image

    Happy New Year to all!!

  • Happy New Year... Carl , Keith and all... have a safe Holiday.

  • Happy New Year all. Speaking of plastic mine melted and I can not see any replacements anytine soon.
  • bigtbigt Posts: 1
    Thanks Carl, I've always felt you were in it for the the love of the coins.Good idea about showing the sets. I collected my registry coins before I knew about the registry, had fun then and still having fun, will keep the coins with it or without it. Those hyperactive ego posts will not spoil it for me.

    Regards and Happy New Year,
  • Thanks. What a great bunch of folks! I appreciate learning so much from so many on this and the coin forums.

    Keith, I sure know you type guys (I'm one!) remember how to have fun. It was the rapid progress and good natured exchanges between you and Cosmic that got me hooked on this forum in the first place.

    Lord, if you see any great type 2 SLQs give me a hollar if you are near a computer. I hear FUN is big, big, big. I'll bet there will be great temptations for you there!
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