murcerfan - explain your quote from another thread

in Sports Talk
the popularity of baseball will nosedive with a salary cap.
This is a classic arguement that we hear all the time, but we never hear any facts or reasons for this.
Please explain your rationale for this statement, other than you being a Yankee fan
I think you are an idiot looking for a fight.
I ask you again sir - bring me some information on why you think the "salary cap" will cause the popularity of baseball to nosedive!
C'mon murcer, bring your logic, intelligence, and common sense to this discussion (no fighting needed), and lets have a nice debate!
When you have a team that is comfortably able to meet a $200MM payroll and a team that is struggling to meet one that is 1/10th of that, you bet there is a problem in baseball. Huge problem.
No one is saying that the revenue and the expenses have to be identical across the board. But you have to significantly decrease the gaps that have continued to widen over the last decade. If they continue at this rate, the baseball that we know and love will cease to exist.
Two scenarios in 20 years:
1) Do nothing to the current system resulting in an 8-12 team league because the gap continued to drasticallyt widen and other teams were financially incapable of "rising to the top".
2) Put something in place like a salary cap and floor, contracting 2-6 teams, and having a very strong and competitive 24-28 team league can grow back to where it used to be and where the NFL is now.
Take your pick.
How did the salaries of the Atlanta Braves compare to the Yankees when they won their umpteen division titles in a row? Did they just buy their way to winning 90 games every year or did they use a great farm system, reasonable salaries and talented management to win? I wouldnt exactly consider Atlanta to be a major market team.
If the point is to have someone different to win every year, they could just institute a rule that you can only win 1 pennant every 5 years
I guess I could see revenue sharing if there was also cost sharing as well. If someone needs a new stadium, then would all teams have to pitch in because it would be benefitting all of them? Nothing is equal here, not revenue, not expenses, not the fan base.
Im just not sure what we are trying to fix.