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Realizing what a terrible investment he has made John Henry is giving away the red sox. I have seen little league teams field better than these clowns! get a hit with guys on base , heck no! hit in to a double play , no problem!

how are you supposed to watch these games? it's an absolute joke how much these guys underachive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all my life I have supported and routed for this team but I am completely disgusted and can't watch anymore. they need to make another movie , " we still believe we can catch the ball"!!!!!!!!!


  • abmluceabmluce Posts: 2
    The way I see it is the management loves to hire feel-good manangers.
    We need someone to come in and demand the best out of each player.
  • Dallas88Dallas88 Posts: 6
    LOL - just how does one "demand" something from someone who wields more POWER (institutionally and professionally) and a much higher salary?

    Apparently, losing does not bother the Red Sox as much as winning excites them.

    It's that plain and simple.
  • abmluceabmluce Posts: 2
    They need to study and learn the ways of Bill Belichek and the patiots.
  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 1
    Its just not gonna happen....EVER for them, I like some of the moves they have made but they should have gotten ahold of Beltran and offered some minor league prospects for a good starter. That is what the Yanks do and hence the results.
  • Dallas88Dallas88 Posts: 6
    They need to study and learn the ways of Bill Belichek and the patiots

    If it were that easy, I think they would have already done that...besides, baseball and football have different economic structures. You can't compare the 2 sports.

    Its just not gonna happen....EVER for them, I like some of the moves they have made but they should have gotten ahold of Beltran and offered some minor league prospects for a good starter

    And what minor league prospects were they going to offer the Royals for him? They had nobody that the Royals could use at this time, or in the future. All the rumors about the Red Sox acquiring Beltran were just that, rumors.....if they were serious, as were the astros, then they would have his bat in the lineup right now......hoever, I think most people in baseball have beltran over-rated......I've watched him since his rookie year (in person)....he is no longer a 5-tool player.....probably a 4 tool player though!
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